Computer Models

To enrich his engineering classes and presentations, Dr. Ressler creates accurate, highly detailed computer models of historically important structures, infrastructures systems, and machines — using SketchUp 3-D modeling software. These models serve as uniquely valuable visualization tools. A computer model invariably illustrates the three-dimensional configuration of a complex structure or machine far more effectively than two-dimensional drawings or photographs can. And through the use of animation, a model can also be used dynamically to depict walk-throughs and construction simulations with great clarity. Computer models are particularly useful for reconstructing ancient technological systems that have not survived to the present day; thus, Steve has used them extensively in his Great Courses lecture series, “Understanding Greek and Roman Technology.”
You can browse a representative selection of Steve’s computer models in his portfolio.
Interested in commissioning a custom computer model of your favorite structure or mechanical device? Contact Steve.
“The shapes arise!
Shapes of factories, arsenals, foundries, markets, Shapes of the two-threaded tracks of railroads, Shapes of the sleepers of bridges, vast frameworks, girders, arches.”
~Walt Whitman